What types of experiments can MD process?

Our data upload workflow allows us to accept tabular data from discovery quantitative proteomics analyses. Read on for more information.

The current support we offer is outlined below. We continue to add further support for processed results from raw data, and we welcome feedback based on what the community needs.

Supported data formats

Specific pre-processed data formats are automatically detected upon upload to the Mass Dynamics platform. Below are the current outputs that are auto-detected:

  • MaxQuant
  • DIA-NN
  • Spectronaut
  • Bruker ProteoScape (TIMS DIA-NN)

You can learn more about what files to upload here.

Generic format workflow for unrecognized data

Any tab-delimited table of intensities quantified for several runs obtained using any software of choice can be uploaded into the Mass Dynamics platform. 


We support:

  • A minimum of 2 conditions, 3 replicates per condition

Currently not supported:

  • Direct upload of raw data 

Experiment creation process for pre-processed data not autodetected:

  • Refer to this link